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Old 10-28-2009, 04:20 AM
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fuzzy fuzzy is offline
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I am now 2 years post op lumbar surgery and it took this long for my leg pain to continually improve. This spring I had another strong relapse bout but I ramped my activity level way up this summer even at the risk of more problems with my neck and my nerve pain in my legs improved over last year. If the images show an improvement post surgery I would not rush to another surgery but give it time time time exercise activity give it time don't rush back to another surgery. Nerves take time to heal, years it seems. At least many months.

The only reason I myself now have another surgery is that I have waited years and my neck is getting steadily worse I have to take the risk. I do agree all the best surgeons have a risk. Even having read bad outcomes from Ritter Lang I would still consider to have him do a surgery as there is a reason they are still there. I do know for a fact that they have been trying to learn from past cases rather then simply go on no matter what the outcomes but to make improvements based on experience. I feel it is safe to go there unless you do have a difficult case then maybe worth to consider some one like Bertagnoli, Zeegers or even staying with a US doctor for easier or better follow up.
Nov 07: STALIF Fusion L5/S1 ACTIV-L ADR L4/L5
Nov 09: Prodisc-C ADR 2 level C 4/5/6
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