my spine surgeries
Have had 2 but no hardware. Discectomy and partial laminectomy at L5S1 (open surgery) in which results were good but then L4 bulged and I had a percutaneous discectomy at that level that failed big big time... since then (1992) the spine surgeries recommended for me have been 3 level global fusion L3-L5S1, 2 level ADR, then lastly in 2006 ADR at L4 and fusion at L5S1.
I had no further surgery past the two discectomies and more recently my OSS said L5S1 has autofused. I have much less pain/probs with my tailbone now. Feel more stable *down there*...
Oh yes, also my wedding ring and engagement ring are platinum and I tolerate this far better than gold or silver rings. I've always had problems with rings so didn't want to even wear one for the longest time.