Thank you very much for helping me!
I remember now the bone stuff from physiology.
Spotty from another forum told me that the bone being built isn't as dense as normal bone - but as M points out, we have various bone types.
I"m going for a hip MRI pretty soon and also for my spine as the pain's getting worse, day by day.
So, can you think for me and tell me what to do?

I"m not kidding!
Yeah, so the hematologist/oncologist wanted to give me a yearly infusion of Reclast. Spotty is also concerned that these drugs last for 20 years (in the bone marrow?) and we don't know much about their safety. Maybe this is regarding an infusion versus more regular doses.
Is it true that Forteo is in generic b/c I was told that it's very expensive.
Again, I appreciate this as this is a new world.
(I wonder if I was born intersexed b/c of this).
Barbara, so you are interpreting the standard deviations and putting them in light of T-scores? I'll have to ask you sometime how this is done.
Gratefully, Allan