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Old 09-15-2009, 04:24 AM
Aaron Aaron is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Lake Charles , LA
Posts: 55
Default Hopefully yours can help others

I don't really frequent this site much due to little on thorasic, but for you who don't know there is a denial in much of the medical community that thorasic discs can herniate or cause pain. Due to the dilegence of patients like this and others on spine health it is slowly becoming a realization that they can cause pain and terrible at that. I have fought it for 5 years, its not that the doctors just disagree they range from there is no way a thorasic disc should herniate to the only way surgury is an option is if you are within paralization. But who is qualified thorasic discs only make up 1% of all disc surguries per year, not really enough to qualify many as experts and with the type of surgury you need you need an expert. There is no money for medical professionals in it yet. I have lived the worst years of my life since I was hurt , 3 years to get diagnosis after I was told the pain was in my head. I was athletic and had numerous injuries and yet I could bounce back and belived i could take on anything, this destroyed those beliefs. I have exercised everyday, do yoga, stretch, have had every treatment know to man and nothing has phased this thoraisc pain. I know exactly what this person talks about because this pain has not put me in the grave , but it has left me dead inside. No emotion, no hope for the future. I graduate in less than a year with duel degrees in engineering and process technology and I just think what kind of life can I live like this. I too was scheduled with dr. regan for Vats surgury last yr. but ins. has stopped it for now. But I was given such hope by this Vats surgury and I hate he had to go through it but I hope it works out great for him and I am (guilty) but excited to follow his progress. Please go on spine health and post to thorasic about your exp. with this surgury they need some hope to.
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