If you have been following my story you know that I have been very frustrated by people not being able to understand the extreme intensity of the levels of pain I was in. Since the pain started it was so severe that I was not able to feel any emotions. I could not feel happy, sad, excited, etc. Only severe pain. This was very different from a depression. I would say that this was more something like depersonalization due to severe pain. I will definitely need to seek counseling of some sort when I return home as I am feeling a flood of emotion that is returning that has been completely foreign to me for two years. While most of it is good, I am experiencing periods of complete rage in the direction of the medical care professionals who ignored the correct diagnosis while I was dying from the pain and losing my home a the possessions that I had worked so hard for. Remember the first MRI two years ago diagnosed everything yet the proper diagnosis was ignored and I was written off.
Well anyway, I think the issues that I am facing and will face in the near future will pale in comparison to what I've made it through. I hope everyone is here is doing the best that they can.
Chiari 1 malformation - successful surgery 1-22-09
C5-6 herniation (extrusion) with moderate central canal stenosis and bilateral foraminal stenosis.
Prodisc-C @ C5-6 surgery on 5/28/09
VATS thoracic fusion @ T3-4 and T6-7 on 9/11/09
Fusion w/cage @ C7-T1 on 11/12/09