I had a huge muscle spasm on Sat eve right about waist level tho in the back and couldn't even get myself on the toilet hardly.. it was BADDD!
I finally broke down and took a Skelaxin. I dislike this med as I feel so sick after it wears off.. however it does help spasms both lumbar and cervical it appears.. Ok then Sunday a.m. I had an injection 60mg of Toradol.
I was able to go out and walk quite a bit .. in fact instead of my back hurting my feet hurt today!
Back in the day I suffered great long periods with back spasms.. it took several days for the acute phase to wear off and sometime at least a week followed by one to two weeks more of continued pretty intense pain.
I guess that's the benefit of drugs.. I'd surely rather use a topical application if it would work so thank you for that bit of information and perhaps I'll try it as well