Hi Cathy,.......I sometimes feel like calling you Froggy like Miss Piggy did with Kermit ...he he.
I am glad to see you are doing well and improving nicely. I have observed that you have a very positive and well thought out approach to the whole thing. I wish my head was that organised!
Overall was it a big hastle to go to Germany or well worth it for the peace of mind? Did you have any problems with the travel? I guess everyone has to travel bussiness class dont they for the lumbar? Would you do it again?
Do you feel at this stage that you will be pain free or a little too soon to tell?
Before you had the surgery was your joint still pretty mobile? Mine is very stiff and locked up and I think I would be worried to have ADR because of this facet locking. How much disc height did you still have? and do you know the sizes of the prodiscs that were put in?
Sorry for all the questions, I probably should have PM'd you but others might like to know some of your answers aswell.
Thanks Froggy, (im in a silly mood,too much oxy I think.)
