Thankyou dridobits for your replies.Dont worry about the length, thats what we are here for!
Im sorry, I had no idea it was that bad for you. I thought you were doing o.k on your meds and thats why you had waited 10 years. Im sorry you have had such a rough time.
From what you are describing I agree that getting rid of your disc will probably bring you enormous relief. How did your discogram go?
I think that my facet joints are causing me the most pain and so am having a facet block on Friday then if that goes well and looks to be positive i will have Radiofrequency denervation of the medial branch nerves. I think you might call it a facet rhizotomy in the US. Hopefully this will bring a lot of relief and I can then cut back on the opiates.
Does anyone know how well a fusion gets rid of facet pain? I have heard that it doesnt always help straight away.
Anyway I hope your appointments go well and you find the right surgeon for the job. I just got a letter of appointment for October! But I will see about getting in sooner. I hope this means he is an excellent surgeon.

Good Luck,