My advise is DONT try to think of the WHOLE thing at ONCE - just think of it in mini steps & one thing at a time - day by day. Take a DEEP breath & pray leave it at God's feet if you believe in God & trust that he knows your worries cares etc. It will overwhelm u if you try to think of the whole picture at one time. Just do steps each day to get yourself over there & once there take it as it comes. You can deal with tommorrow when tommorrow comes.
I had my ADR L4L5 a complicated case for a single level by Dr B at Straubing - I didn't know how we would get there in one weeks notice but we did.
I am in the process now of having to assemble thoughts quickly again - for my neck in going back to Germany.
My Best & know you have many others upholding you in spirit - that I REALLY felt the day of my surgery & afterwards. I still remember Mark's call

from the USA.
Day by day my dear bit by bit - dont think too far ahead just break it down - it is more managable that way.