06-04-2009, 11:10 PM
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Longview, TX
Posts: 68
Originally Posted by guymontag
I too suffer from burning legs at times. I'm about 11 months post microdiscectomy op. I only got this neuropathy in March this year after a 10 minutes on an eliptical trainer. MRI both before and after shows the disc more dehydrated (black disc).
The burns have tapered off, from severe initially to just mild and usually if I've been standing too long or moving too long. My legs also get cold spots. feeling of ants in my legs or grit under my skin as well as the usual water running down legs feeling and feeling wet. It was actually creeping up to my arms at one stage. I'm on neurotin 1800mg a day and I think it helps. I've been purposely skipping doses to see if I can wean myself off it.
Is your numbness significant? does it change during the day? More burning than anything. It goes up and down. Never stops
How do the burns/ numbness present themselves in respect to dermatomes? e.g. just down the back of your legs l5/s1 or all over? All over my legs. I feel more numbness in my right foot on the right side today
Do you get anything other than burns? symptoms like I've mentioned above?
Not really
do the burns happen after activity?
No, It always does it now
Hows your sleep ? I have had to take sleep meds ever since surgery. They seem to stop working eventually. I am on Lunesta currently. It is still working.
can you sleep well at night? Only if I am medicated
Does sleeping on your side if possible rather than your back help? (its helped me - i don't know why)
I can't sleep on my side. When I am on my back, I feel pressure in my lumbar area
I'm also on Amitriptyline (anti depressant). Its good as well as keeping my mind in check it also knocks me out at night. I find that good sleep is essential to getting better from this horrible neuropathy that has developed inside me. I am taking 90mg Cymbalta. My wife left me on my 7th week of recovery. I have been depressed with all of this. I am also seeing a counselor about everything
I have a theory about this. I think when your disc blows out, either herniated or tear, a whole bunch of chemicals inside the disc escape and can really burn the nerves. My initial burn in march this year really made me suffer. It burnt all night and even when I thought I was ok a week later, any movement wold really flare it up. e.g. 30 minute walk etc. it has slowly gotten better, but I actually think my nerves aren't the same as before or at least they are a lot more sensitised to the now leaky disc. Obviously in your case you don't have the disc any more but perhaps when excising the disc space the chemical irritant bathed the nerves during the operation? I know it sounds far fetch. but it may correlate to what Mark has said about Dr Yeung mentioning a fatty covering over one persons nerve and an almost pink non fatty nerve....
hope you get some sort of pain resolution
This is the only way I can remeber all of these questions! I appreciate all the advise again. I thought I would be all better and wouldn't have to bug you anymore!